So, I can't post a long note because my carpal tunnel is killing me. I just wanted to say that if you are reading this, then you are probably a friend of mine, and you most likely have noticed I am kind of bitchy lately and just not myself.
Here is why: I am simply unhappy with where my life is now. I have been unhappy for some time now, but I haven't been able to figure out why or how to fix it.
No this isn't a suicide note, you smartasses.
I am just pretty sure that I am going to be moving somewhere new. I haven't made any concrete decisions yet, and I can't fully explain it to you yet. I don't even understand it myself.
I have been wishing for some signs, and if my wrist is feeling better soon I will post all of the signs pointing toward this being a good idea. It is just really really scary to me. Not only am I looking at a change of residence, but also a change in jobs and in lifestyle.
Right now, I am thinking of staying in Ohio. Originally it was Alaska (specifically Dutch Harbor or Juneau) -- yes, really. I can see your eyes rolling right now, but I didn't want to move to Alaska simply because of my obsession with the crab show. I may someday end up there, However, I think it might be an easier transition for me to stay in the state.
I am thinking of looking into a job at Put-in-bay at Lake Erie. During the summer months, you can get a job there and pay room and board to live on the island.
I just need to be near the water ...