So, this weekend was the annual Halloween party thrown by some friends of mine. Did I have a good time? No. Why? Because I was stuck home with the fucking plague or whatever I have. While my friends were getting dressed up and drunk, I was stuck at home getting coked up on cold medicine and admiring my snot.
At 11:38 pm the fun really started (for me anyways). I started getting text messages from my friends at the party. One of my gays dressed up like Ugly Betty and one of my straight girlfriends was a pregnant cheerleader. The following conversation via text message transpired. You will probably be confused (but I will try to clarify anything in purple). And you will probably be offended ... oh well.
11:38 (pregnant cheerleader) - Hey how r u feeling? I'm drunk! Miss you!
11:40 (Lothian) - Shitty. Wish I was drunk with you.11:46 (P.C.) - Ron
{Ugly Betty} met Dirty Sanchez!
11:48 (Lothian) - Yuck! Now I am glad I didn't go.11:49 (P.C.) - Betty says ur a bitch!
11:51 (Lothian) - Tell Betty to suck my dick. Wait, she may like that...11:58 (P.C.) - How bout his beaver?
12:00 (Lothian) - Cooter is totally fine as long as it is shaved like britneys!12:01 (P.C.) - U mean as long as its shavd like urs.
{I was supposed to go dressed as brit}
12:03 (Lothian) - I have decided 2 let it grow long. The crabs need a place to live! Plus, I like braiding it.12:05 (P.C.) - My water just broke!
12:07 (Lothian) - Well, go push it out on the toilet & hide it in a dumpster! You got partying to do!
(Ugly Betty sends me a video)
12:26 (Lothian) - I told you! No pix of your penis. only your vajay-jay! {pregnant cheerleader once dated a boy who got really drunk and kept texting her pictures of his penis - to her horror.}12:27 (Ugly Betty) - That was my vajina bitch!
{yes, the gays can't spell vagina}
12:28 (Lothian) - Sorry. It's been a while since I have seen one so purty!12:30 (U.B.) - I thought you saw
{pregnant cheerleader's} last nite?
12:32 (Lothian) - I couldn't see much -- too much fur. Just how I like it!12:33 (U.B.) - GROSS. I'm gonna have nightmares.
12:36 (Lothian) - Homosexuality is beautiful & natural! You should really try it some time.12:37 (U.B.) - I'm a Republican. We don't do that! Sinner!
12:38 (Lothian) - Fornicator hater!
Thank goodness for modern technology! What did we ever do without it?