(It may take a while, but you'll eventually get the title)
I had every intention of making two very poignant posts today for ya'll. Then I started baking holiday cookies to take home with me Friday, and now I am ASS DEEP in baking soda and chocolate. So yet again I am faltering on my job as blog bitch.
I will be on hiatus (get it? wink, wink. nudge, nudge.) for about a week as I will be home visiting the fam damily in Youngstown. Murder capital of Ohio. Nice. Anyway, my parents have not yet eased themselves into the modern times and hooked up to a computer with internet access. Thus, the crazy disfunctional family posts will have to wait until the new year.
Alas, I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday!! Please be safe if you are driving, and please drink yourself into a stupor if you are not. Remember, your family is something you can never escape from, so don't even try. Enjoy yourselves and be blessed!
A very merry Christmas to:
Erin Bob and Viggo, Kristine and Susan, Tim and Ron, Colleen and Rob, Amy and Todd, Peg George Andrew and Rose, Stephanie, Renee, Maggie and Nate, Amy, LeeAnne Jeff and Charlotte, All my Polaris Peeps, Matt Elisa and the new boy Auggie, The sweet old lady that I deliver papers to, Liz, Miss Pat, Georgene, Donna, Brad Cope, Jackie, The D&D Master and his girlfriend who live in my complex, Kate, Ada, The Pugs and Golden Retrievers that brightened up these past few weeks, Any Dublin Peeps I may still like, Beth, Rachel, Kona, the little old man that lives in my apartment complex, my old postman (but not the new bitch that won't pick up my Netflix DVD's), and .... Yeah.
And to anyone else I am forgetting -- peace, tinsel, and chocolate bon bons to you too. It isn't like it is my Oscar speech or something, Geez!!
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