So, I have revisited the idea of keeping a blog. Too many insane things happen to me to not share with the world. I mean, I think I am the walking example of Murphy's Law -- if it could happen, it will happen to me! Let's start from today, and in the next few days I will tell you about the other crazy things that have happened to prompt this blog.Okay, today wake up late as usual and begrudgingly get ready for work. I grab a couple a granola bars and off I go. I'm cruising at a cool 75 mph on I71, rockin to the radio. My stomach tells me that in my attention to the road I have forgotten the granola bars. I carefully open my bag and pull out a chocolate and peanut butter bar of good health and unwrap it. All while going 75 mind you. I bite into the goodness and begin to chew. All of a sudden I feel a crunch. Granola is not this crunchy folks.WTF? I mumble with a mouthful of not-so-goodness-anymore. It is my damn tooth! Yes, that is right, the $1,000 crown/cap thingie that I had plastered into my mouth two years ago is now sitting in my gloved hand. I pull into work, tell them my situation. Yeah, I work RETAIL and it is a SATURDAY two weeks before CHRISTMAS! They were 'effing thrilled with me. Thankfully I was able to make an emergency appointment with the dentist that day. Of course he can't fix it today, oh no! That would be too convenient, cheap and pain free to just cement the MFer back in place. No, there has to be screws and pins involved in here someplace. So, my day off will now be filled with white knuckles and novicane. On the bright side, Doc is doing the replacement for free ($800+ bucks) and all I will have to pay is about $200. Which for a girl with only about $300 bucks to her name, and about $30,000 bucks of debt - this is a big deal. But such is a day in the life of me.
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