Sorry for not writing for a couple of days. I got my tooth done on Tuesday and have been bitchy with pain ever since. I haven't been up to posting anything new.
Not ironically, in these few days many things have happened to add to my blog. You know, the usual -- cops and possible dead bodies in my apartment complex...
Anyway, more about that tomorrow. I hope to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow after work so I am sure I will be back to my crab-ass-ness in no time. Ugh! Happy Fu*king Holidays. Or as Dennis Leary said, "this year there will be no partridge in a pear tree. Unless Danny Bonaduce decides to hang himself."
PS- I just figured out how to link to other folks sites through my own, so I will be adding some of my favorites soon. Feel free to email me some of your favorites too. I already added Pink is the New Blog -- check it out, I love it!!
PPS- I keep using these images off of the web and am not sure if I am doing it legally, so if anyone knows a good lawyer let me know.
Oh Colin, Painkillers? I'm sure your pain is nothing a little of my sexual healing can't fix.
1 comment:
um? Thank you? Not sure what you mean there, but awesome picture!
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