My fingers and hands.
For some reason my fingertips are going numb and my hands are aching. I presume it is carpal tunnel or some shizz, but it really sucks dropping things constantly and not being able to hold a coffee cup.
Luckily, like Ethel over there my middle finger still works and that is the most important finger of them all. It really says it all -- maybe that is why they are going numb, I am giving too many people the finger. Nah, they all deserve it.

This one was a hard one since I am in no mood to give props to anyone as crabby as I am. So, a shout out goes to MR. ADRIEN BRODY just for being one good looking motherF-er.
DA Ah AM!!!!!!!! Did you check that shizz at the Golden Globes tonight? I would totally hit it for real. Yum Yum Yum.
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