Now, let's get to the awards.

I have to say, I love my television. So I want to shout out to Scrubs, for celebrating their 100th episode. I also have to say that I have a guilty pleasure for Cops. All those white trash crazy people, It is like my everyday life...

Have you seen the trailer for the new movie called Date Movie? Check it out here. Initially I was going to see it because the MadTV/That 70's Show hottie Josh Meyers is in it. But WTF? Since when is the fat suit funny? I know, I know. It is one of those Naked Gun-type and is supposed to be mocking famous folk and movies, but give me a fucking break.
To me, the fat suit is the new black face. I am not saying it is as bad, since a person can not change their ethnicity (in theory some fat people can become thin) and thousands of fat people were not enslaved, murdered and tortured just for being fat. Please do not think I am making light of or ignoring racism or the ugly history of minstrel shows.
However, people think the fat suit it is so hilarious, and completely harmless. But what the actors/writers/directors/etc are doing is promoting this bullshit that overweight people are: ugly, stupid, vulgar, unattractive to others, unloveable, not important, worthless, laughable, lazy, and non-existent. Are any of these faces supposed to be seen as pretty? It has become way too common in television and movies. Courtney Cox-Arquette wore one as "fat Monica" on Friends, Ryan Reynolds In Just Friends, Gwyneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal, Martin Lawrence in all the Big Momma's House films, Julia Roberts in America's Sweethearts, Eddie Murphy in the Nutty Professor films, Keenan Thompson (not a small guy in real life, mind you) in Fat Albert, Mike Meyers (as Fat Bastard) in the Austin Powers films, to name a mere few. You can look up any of these actors and/or films at IMDB, just click here.
I am not a politically correct maniac or anything, but things like this really make me mad. I don't want to go to a film and walk out feeling horrible about myself because someone showed me that I should. Women (and men) get attacked day in and day out with advertisements, magazine articles, television, movies, music, etc about how they are not pretty enough or thin enough or sexual enough, or too thin too slutty and too pretty. Not good enough.
When will we realize that we are enough? Just the way we are right now. We are beautiful as we are. Why do movie goers stand for this kind of stuff? Why do film makers feel they must make fun of fat people, when lo and behold over half of Americans are FAT. It is cheap, it is easy, it is not funny.
**For $500 bucks you can get your very own fat suit. Mine was free.
** for all on the fat acceptance movement and more information than you can handle.
Please don't go see this movie, and please check out some of the links I left you in this post.
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