Ron wanted to know where Adrien and I are hiding our honeymoon tape. No sex tape for you! You already saw me in the one I make with Colin, what more do you need?
Random thought here, but did anyone watch LOST last night? I thought it was kind of boring. I Sooooo hoped Jack would have let the "others" shoot Kate. That bitch is dating my Hobbit boyfriend in real life, gets to make out with Josh Holloway AND Matthew Fox! Shoot her, shoot her now!! By the way, Mr. Eko can use his "Jesus stick" on me anytime.
Since my funny has been repressed by a chocolate coma, I will throw my tattoo ideas at you. Many of you know I want a fat fairy tattoo on my arm (no, not a portrait of you Ron) and I have not ruled that out, I just haven't found what I want yet. Feel free to send me any ideas you find during your internet froliking.
In the meantime, I do know that I want to get the following tattooed. It is the design on the inside of the doorway to Bag End in The Lord of the Rings movies. Yes, it is a bit dorky but I have very personal reasons for getting a LOTR 'tat and no one would know it was from that unless I told them. Reading the books got me to start writing again which I abandoned since college. I used to write poetry and short stories all of the time, and was even published in The Ohio State University's poetry publication called "The Mosaic." But depression and the real world got in the way of my creativity. I also have other, more goofy reasons that I think most people would find too new age-y. Maybe I will feel up to posting the whole shebang later.
I have been keeping to my exercise resolution, and I never buy anything big for myself, so I think I will start saving money for the tattoo. Back to the 'tat, I was thinking of getting it on the inside of my wrist, or my forearm. Where do you all think I should get it?
I can't find really good shots of the design and will have to work with the tattoo artist to get it circular, but here are the best ones I found online:

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