Monday, February 13, 2006

The award goes to:


The Award goes to: hormones. Mine have been so crazy lately I feel like I am going to boil the family rabbit any minute!

And nothing beats having to pluck or wax facial hair. I love plucking my Billy goat beard every other day! Why, I wish my moustache would just grow to meet my chin hair. Then I could have a full on goatee to deal with! Hell, add some sideburns while you are at it -- mother plucker.

The random nipple hairs rock too!


The Award goes to: the lady I talked to on the phone from the Worthington Library. She was so nice and helpful. I wish I could be more like her. Damn, why am I such a c*nt to the customers when they call?

Oh, yeah...we wouldn't want hell to freeze over now would we?

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