Yeah, I know. I haven't been posting. I suck, please forgive me. I never thought people would regularly read my blog. When I got that counter thing that you see at the bottom of the page, I didn't think it would ever get past 10 hits let alone 200!
I appreciate everyone reading and sharing this blog. It is really loads of fun to do. I try to post every day and I achieve it about as much as I achieve exercising every day.
Anyways, depression has had me down lately but I think I am getting out of my funk now. I am having money issues -- you'd think I would be making big bucks exotic dancing at the Hot and Heavy Whorehouse downtown, but alas I don't.
I had to borrow money from my folks to buy groceries. I was eating Ramen Noodles for lunch and dinner. It wasn't like I was wasting away to skin and bones, but it sucks not having any sort of variety in your diet aside from Beef and Oriental flavor.
To cut back on expenses I am switching from Time Warner Cable to Wide Open West (WOW). I will be saving about $20 bucks a month. I am just putting it off because I don't know what to cancel first and what to start first. Damn that sounds really pathetic. I am such a lazy bastard.
On the brighter side, I am applying for a different job. This one is with a company called Measure Inc. Basically you grade school papers, essay exams, and regular exams all day. I would be making more money than I am now, and I won't be in customer service anymore. It might even feel like I am actually using my degree for something. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Auf Widersen!
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