Yeah Yeah, I know. It has been forever since I posted. I have been trying to post Before and After pictures of myself from my b-day party, but it isn't working. Many of the pics I am trying to post are not being accepted. Blogger is being a little bitch. Thus, I get pissed off and give up. I think I could really use drugs right about now, MMMKAY??!!
I have been in a really weird funk lately. Sort of depressed, sort of tired, and sort of just worn out. Sometimes I worry I am a little bipolar, somedays I am in a really good mood and others I am so angry/annoyed with life, it frightens me and depresses me. I never used to be this bitter, I used to be the life of the party. The one making everyone laugh, and always doing silly things. Always in a good mood.
Maybe I just have a lot on my mind lately. First of all, a friend of mine is dealing with a possible death in her family, so she is constantly in my thoughts. I tend to be so sensitive to other people that their struggles become mine to a certain (but lesser) extent. I worry about everything -- from making rent, to hurricane Katrina survivors.
Secondly, my upstairs neighbor is driving me homicidal!! Well, not really that bad, but he is annoying the hell out of me. I can't sleep one whole night long without being awoken 5-6 times by his stomping around.
Third, I got that job I was telling ya'll about. However, I won't be able to do it full time which has me bummed. They have two possible shifts, one is 8-5pm and the other is 5-10pm. The first is 40 hours and the latter is only 30. The only way I can work it out is to work at my "real" job from 8-430, then go to this other place from 5-10. I would be exhausted, but be banking money -- which is what I really need, not sleep. The problem is that they are not getting back to me in regards to my shifts. I think that they were unhappy to hear I was going to need to do the evening work. I guess I am just stressing out about how I am going to schedule everything, and I just know that they are going to tell me last minute and I am going to have to beg my "real" job to change my schedule. Whatevs'.
The only somewhat good thing going right now, is also not going so well. The whole online dating thing. First of all, I really feel like a hot bitch!! Every couple of days I get 1 or 2 replies to my post! It has made my self esteem rise, but since I am not a paying member I can not contact these men. WTF? I mean, none of them are paying members either! Why are we even on this stupid site then? I am still debating if I want to save the money and pay the member fee or not. Thank God I don't have to make life or death decisions, since I am having such a hard time deciding how much I am willing to pay to get laid!
I really want to save up my money and buy this here or maybe this here . Two more days and my Nick affair will have to end. I am pathetic crushing on a gay boy.
Sorry this was such a long post, and not very funny. I didn't want to ignore my blog, but I haven't been feeling very funny lately. So I thought depressing you is better than ignoring you. Hee Hee. Hopefully I get back into the swing of things again, don't give up on the blog yet!
PS -- I have been thinking of writing short stories again. I used to do that a lot in High School, but sort of lost the time and desire during college. I am feeling creative again, so if anything I write is any good I will include it here for ya'll to read. Auf Wiedersen!
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