First of all, I have been recovering from having a tooth pulled. I knew the dentist was going to do it, but I guess I repressed just how damn much that shizz hurts! For whatever reason, the very last tooth on each side of my upper jaw have been no good. The one on the left side broke and I had it pulled a few years back, then this one broke and rotted so I had to yank it too. Eww! I really do take care of my chompers (I promise!!), but for some reason I inherited bad teeth from my dad.
Secondly, I quit my job delivering papers. Here is the funny thing with that: I could have kept it. Basically, for the next three weeks my full-time job schedule was going to prevent me from being able to deliver the papers. After that, I would have been able to do it but I figured why spend my (half) day off working? So, I thought I would just quit and not have to worry about trying to get the route delivered these next three weeks.
Yeah, that didn't go as planned. Apparently when I signed the contract for the paper route, I agreed to give them a month notice of my departure. Damn. This particular project I will be working on part-time is also a month long. So now I have to do the papers (plus full-time job, plus part-time) until my month notice is over, which will also be when this project is over. So, once I CAN deliver the papers I won't have to anymore. F*cking Figures.
Thirdly, you may have been questioning why I put an Archie McPhee link in this post. Well, a while ago I entered my blog in a contest the online store was having. Basically you had to give them a shout out in your blog (or link to them), and then they would pick a winner. I did both, Lo and Behold, I WON THE CONTEST!! I won a $100 shopping spree! Hot damn! I was so excited that I sat down tonight and put in my order. Of course I screwed it up, and now I may be charged $103.92. ...AND... Of course I tried to enter the order again to see if I could fix the problem.
Why don't I learn? I had already 'effed it up the first time, why in the hell would I try it again? I guess I wanted to be charged $103.92 twice! So, now I have to call the customer service in the morning and basically introduce myself as "dumbass contest winner Lothian" and plead for them to fix my mess. Geez!
So, yeah. For some of you the gears and levers in your head started to creak and moan into action when I mentioned that I did my Archie Mcphee shopping tonight. Many of you probably cocked your heads confuseididly (yeah, I made that last word up. So what? It's my blog! bitches.) and cried aloud "Why Lothian, didn't you start your new part-time job tonight at 5pm? What happened?"
Right you are my sharp witted pals! I was supposed to start my new part-time job tonight. But let's see here, this is Lothian's world...therefore things have to be 'effed up. I mean, I was so freaking prepared for this job it wasn't even funny! I slept all day Sunday so that I would be nice and rested for the big day. I quit the paper route, I left early from my full-time job ... hell, I even packed two lunches!
I get there and apparently on Friday afternoon the building had some sort of emergency plumbing problem. I don't know exactly what happened -- things were exploding and the shit had hit the fan (no pun intended). I don't know, all I know is that they cancelled the training for us tonight. Apparently everything is good to go for tomorrow and should be back to normal, but we only got paid for an hour today (for driving there and back). Of course these things only happen to me!
So I stopped at Taco Hell and got a burrito, sat down and wrote out this mini novel to you fine folks. I am sorry to say that blogging will be at a bare minimum from here on out (as long as no more plumbing issues arise) since I will be working about 12-13 hours a day M-F. So send me good thoughts, and I will try to post Wednesday and let ya'll know how the training is going and if I am surviving. Peace out.
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