Alright, I know I am going to piss off my gays here but I am in a crabass mood and I am going to take it all out on Madonna.
Let me say a few things first before you smack me around with your Prada man purses, okay? First of all, Madonna is a legend. Bitch knows what she is doing and does it well -- musically anyway. Secondly, I wore the lace gloves and poofy wedding dress garb back in the 80's because I loved her. Third, I DO IN FACT own a few Madonna Cd's. Last but not least: I support free speech and artistic expression.
Phew! That said, let's get to the Vadge bashing. I am not going to go over all the news buzzing about Madonna's new concert tour because unless you live under a rock, you know what I am talking about.
I was checking out Trent's blog "Pink is the New Blog" -- (I have a link for it if you haven't been there yet,) and I blatantly stole this little piece of news. It is from CNN's Glen Beck who is a Republican Christer, I believe.
However, this shit is funny:
"Ok the people that went to Madonna's concert in L.A. Spent $380 A Ticket to see this (he shows pic of her hanging on the cross) and let me tell you that's worth every dime that you paid really.
Hey Madonna will you do me a favor, knock off the Christ bashing for 10 minutes will you. She doesn't even offend me anymore I've gone numb to Madonna's antics. What really bugs me is the hypocrisy. Last year she was promoting her horrible children books Madonna said 'we shouldn't let our kids watch TV, Americans have to stop doing that theres too much filth on television'."
"Gee Madonna why would you think there's too much filth on TV? (he plays her videos for like a virgin and American pie) Look at this I'm not even sure but I think I'm getting crabs just from watching this, really in fact if your at home grab some penicillin, swallow it otherwise your gonna be peeing cookie dough tomorrow."
"Do you remember when Madonna made out with Britney spears at the vmas apparently that confused her daughter Lourdes, which is a stupid name, she asked her mom she said "mom are you gay?" Madonna's response in that fake British accent "I am the mummy pop star and she is the baby pop star and I am kissing her to pass my energy on to her."
By energy, Madonna if you mean cold sours then yeah your probably right."
"Madonna's latest antics has everybody shocked, I don't know why really she's a one trick pony, since 1983 same stuff. The only thing that shocks me anymore is when people are who they say they are they don't play games with who they are just to make money."
"Instead of humping a stack of bibles Madonna, maybe you should lose the fake British accent, act your age, spend a little more time with your kids and leave mine alone.
That Madonna would be truly shocking."
Humping a stack of Bibles? Hee hee. I'm sorry ladies and girlies, but her schtick is getting a little old. Especially if Glen Beck can pin it on the head.
The Lourdes comment was not fair or nice -- it is not her fault her "mummy" is lame. Give the poor little girl a break she inherited those damn eyebrows for crissakes.
okay, I am bracing for my bashing now. Bring it on Bitches!
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