So, one has some free time to think when they are slacking off at work. A while back, I made a short list of things I like, weird things I do, and other random thoughts. Like the ape above, I thought really hard about these things and may have hurt myself at some point.
**Please share your deep thoughts, etc and I will add them to my post. Wierdos unite!**
**I think I will update this periodically as I find more quirks about myself**
- I have an unquenchable desire to unbend perfectly good paperclips.
- I like to stare at people when they are talking loudly on their cell phones and I react to what they are saying.
- I like to give people the finger when I drive.
- I feel the need to peel the label off of all the bottled beverages I consume.
- Brand new Sharpie Pens make me really happy.
- I often spend too long wondering what path that pen from "Hotel Pontchartrain" in Detroit Michigan took to get onto my desk.
- Grown women who chomp and smack their bubble gum irritate the hell out of me.
- I have to wash pre-packaged underwear before wearing them because I don't know where inspector #457's hands have been.
- I hate Sudoku puzzles and the left-brained number loving freaks who do them.
- I like to contemplate the need and/or usage one has for a moustache. Because they certainly are not cute.
- Female Opera singers make my ears bleed.
- Male Opera singers confuse me.
- Dogs who hump my leg make me really uncomfortable.
- I want to strangle people when the interrupt me.
- Gay guys are the only men I am comfortable around.
- I have a confusing obsession with Pope John Paul III.
- The new Pope gives me the creeps.
- I often think Hackers know I am online and are waiting to take over my computer.
- I always screw things up when I try to do the self-checkout at Kroger.
- Watching movies with sex scenes in the company of my parents is really really weird.
- I have an unhealthy addiction to popsicles.
- Loud noises and places make me crabby.
- I can't stand waiting in traffic, I get unnaturally angry.
- I don't know why, but I love watching the tv show Dog The Bounty Hunter.
- I can't stand magicians. They freak me out and make me mildly angry.
- Air conditioning both fascinates and confuses me.
... more to come.
1 comment:
*I also have an unquenchable desire to straighten paperclips
*When I need a lift, I visit the nearest office supply store
*I hate Sudoku puzzel players, even though I myself have become one
*I hate the new pope's new hat even though I myself wear a red hat
*I hate it when people think their life is the only one that is important and that what I feel is insignificant
*I love kitty kisses, kitties sleeping, soft kitty paws, just mainly anything dealing with kitties
*I can't wait to become a grammy!
*It irrates me when people have to make a point of correcting my pronuciation, or list their education acheivements in order to appear smarter than me
*I love yellow roses
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