I most likely will not have access to a computer, so I doubt that I will be posting during this time. Audio blogger went kaput, so I can't even do that for you bitches. Alas, you will just have to wait with baited breath until my return.
How about I leave you with some juicy gossip? Okay not that juicy, but something to entertain yourselves none the less. Apparently the music manager of my store is leaving. I personally can't really stand the guy, so no tears here. Anyway, he is leaving and after a lot of debate and indigestion I decided to tell my store manager that I am interested in the position.
Why the debate? The job will be boring as hell. Plus I am more interested in books than music, but I can fake anything...
I figured that I had to go for it. I needed to show that I am interested in moving up the company ladder. After about 6 years, I kind of want to have something to show for my hard work. Plus, I know I can do the job -- None of the jobs in that hole are very difficult. I would also be making more money which is always nice, though I am sure I won't be making much.
I have a few things working against me, but I don't think anyone else has shown any interest in the position so I may win it by default. I will "interview" for the position when I get back, and you bitches KNOW I will keep you informed of it all -- second by second.
What do I have working against me? Well, Let me enlighten ya'.
*I don't interview well at all. I suck at it. I really fucking blow. I stammer, I can't think straight, and I can never come up with any good answers to the stupid questions they always ask. However, I have a week to plan ahead and come up with some good answers, read interviewing books, and get pumped up.
*The store manager...she's incompetent. She may already have some ass-backward fucked up solution to the manager leaving. This solution will only make sense to her and will leave the rest of us confused and spread wide open, bent over a barrel.
*My attitude. I say what I think. It is as though I lack that little thought bubble in cartoons -- revealing all my dislikes for my job and some co-workers. Maybe I have that thought bubble, but I pop it and spew out the bitterness.
Open mouth, insert foot. Deep-throat foot. Gag on own stupidity. Repeat.
*My attitude. In general, I think most of our customers are idiots. I tend to share this thought with everyone...please refer to my ''insert foot" analogy.
*My attitude. I like to joke. A lot. Mostly at the stupid customers or stupid employees that I have to work with everyday. Most people find these jokes funny. Even most decision-making people at my store laugh at my jokes. However, it has been my experience that once these people get the upper hand (ie: interviews or reviews) they don't find these jokes funny anymore.
Let me give you a example of what I mean. My former boss, Secky Bexton (get it?...), was and is an absolute fuckwad. When I worked for her, she would make us fill out a log while working at the information desk. In that log, we would write down what we did for the hour or two we were working the desk. I had no problem with that, and did as I was told. After a while, many of the things people wrote were funny little ditties or joking comments. Well, one day I wrote something along the lines of "while working at the information desk, I answered stupid questions like 'do you have an information desk?' "
Not my best joke, but cute.
Months later, during an argument with her that involved her telling me what a shitty employee I am (and me not agreeing) she brings up that little joke. She said how disrespectful it was to her and the customer. She told me how super offended she was by me writing that (so offended, that she took months to tell me about it?) and how that just shows what a terrible employee I am.
My point is that what I say, even if everyone laughs at it, may come back to haunt me when it becomes something that certain people can use. Use Against Me.
*Lastly (but not all) I complained about the current music manager not took long ago. I will give you the short-end of the story since I am sick of typing. Basically, he can not go on his lunch break until the person who is scheduled to cover his break arrives. Well, in the real world shit happens. Things like: You get stuck at cashwrap, a customer is taking to long to help, a scheduling conflict that you failed to catch (your break is at the same time- sort of thing), or you just plumb forget. I understand that it is frustrating to have to wait, but he is down-right rude and nasty if you are not on time. Recently, he pissed me off for the last time. He was very aggressive and intimating, and snapped at me. Since this is not the first time he has done this to myself or other women in the store, I was infuriated! Now, many of you have not seen me genuinely mad. I mean road-rage mad, okay? I inherited my fathers temper for sure. God help the fucker who fucks with me first.
Anyway, I was so taken aback that I didn't say anything to him at first. I covered the break and left, giving him the evil eye. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I felt I had two choices.
1) Go to him and break his nose
2) Go to the store manager and have her mediate the situation.
Luckily for everyone, I opted for #2. Of course, the store manager acted as if I should be handling this on my own, and she was right. A person who wants to be a manager, deals with difficult people themselves and does not run and tell the boss. However since he is my superior -- and I am a peon, I felt I needed to go to HIS superior and make her aware of the situation. What I didn't tell her was that I feel as though now since I told her about it, the next time I could justifiably knock him out. Hell, I told her there was a problem...I covered my ass.
I digress, to make a long story even longer, she acted like he was the fucking Pope or something, and would never treat anyone like that. He agreed. However, he apologized which I respect. But things have not been the same since and I worry this will hinder my chances.
Well, I am sick of typing so I am going to close now. I think I gave you plenty to chew over while I am gone. Don't forget to send my birthday presents.
I prefer cash.