I am truly sorry for not posting much lately. January has been a really weird month for me and right now I am feeling like Mr Pug over there. Depressed, y'all.
January started out really well for me and I attacked the new year with nun chucks! At the beginning of the month, I contacted some sources from Ohio State (where I did my undergraduate program) about continuing my education. The school of Social Work got back to me and told me that my previous degree would allow me to skip all the undergrad Social Work coursework and go straight into the Masters program to get my LSW, or License of Social Work. When I think about jobs I would like, most of them require a LSW.
Next I contacted the school of Journalism and Communications at OSU. Turns out they do not have a Masters program for Journalism, but they sent me some great information on the undergrad coursework for the Journalism Degree.
Lastly, I looked into Columbus State and a new "school" in Westerville called Boehecker College. I am looking into a nursing or medical assistant degree in these locations. BC seems to be a more focused and quicker program, whereas CS is much more involved and probably better in the long run.
Interestingly (and sadly), I contacted the department of Women's Studies about getting my masters since I have a degree in WS already. I have yet to hear back from them...
And .... that's as far as I got. Going back to school just seems like such a daunting process. I am already $20,000 in debt just for my first degree and am having major problems paying that back. I also feel like I wasted all my time and money getting a Women's Studies degree, I don't want to make the same mistake again. How am I supposed to know if I would like Social Work, or Nursing, or Journalism? I don't want to go through all that and be stuck doing something I hate. So, I am in a holding pattern right now.
On to other subjects, I feel I need to explain why I have been a royal C Y.ou N.ext T.uesday lately. On top of the weight of thinking about changing my entire life around, my health has not been great. Not to gross anyone out, I will use lame euphemisms here. My aunt Flo came to visit me the week before Christmas and just recently left. She stayed for roughly a month straight. I can not afford Birth control pills, which would most likely fix this problem. So I am forced to deal with it.
Secondly, and less disgusting are my lungs. Loyal readers will remember my fairly recent struggle with Pleurisy. Well, the winter has been absolutely brutal to my chest. Everyday I wake up hacking and wheezing. My ribcage is killing me. I really need to cover my mouth and nose with a scarf when I go out, but don't always. I am in desperate need of a humidifier. My parents bought me one, but apparently don't realize just how much I need the relief that I suspect it will give me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have Pleurisy again (thank Goddess!) but I think my lungs are now more sensitive and susceptible to the cold and cry air.
So, I have been kind of depressed lately. Which of course means that I am eating like a fucking cow. I feel fat and ugly and winter has officially depressed the shit out of me. Work is an absolute fucking disaster, but I really need to post another long rant to go through all the shit that has been happening there. Just wait, because it has been brewing in me and bubbling over. The end all, tell all work post is coming.
1 comment:
Girl, I feel ya. Life pretty much sucks a big one right now (not that suckung something big is all bad, but I digress). Going back to school is wonderful idea. Not only will you get a Masters which should (I hope) help us earn more moo-lah, but also you student loans will be deferred as long a you are actively taking classes. Something to think about.
I have also been sick with a sinus infection that turned into bronchitis. I am finbally starting to feel better, but it took f-ing long enough. I hope work goes better for you. Trust me nobody noticed that you are a C---, we already thought you were one anyway. Hugs!!!
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