Actually, On Tuesday I am starting my 'other' job again. You know, the test grading thing. Any who, I will be working pretty much all day and everyday. It kind of sucks, but the paycheck always makes it worth it.
Last time I worked 6 days at my 'real' job instead of 5 to make up the time I was losing by only working 4-11. I am not going to do that this time around, I nearly died! Fuck it and fuck that place.
I have been dog/house sitting for relatives this weekend which has been wonderful. I took off work since they live 30 minutes out of Columbus, so I have just been vegging out and relaxing before the hellish work month begins.
Of course, I stopped by my apartment today since I had to be in town to go to a doctor's appointment and my cable was out. I worried that maybe I didn't pay my bill, but I did. After various tries to get someone on the phone I finally got a woman who told me that they would have to come inside my apartment to check things. How the hell is that going to happen when I am working 8:15am-11pm everyday? I told her that I would call back later when I can work something out. Blah!! So now I am without TV or Internet. I can live without television if I have Internet because most of the shows I watch are available online. But without BOTH??? Shit this sucks!!
Many people have asked me what happened with the music manager job and why I didn't get it. Well, I am almost sick of talking about it to me honest. I was very upset about the whole thing. I felt betrayed, I was lied to, and I was fucked over. It isn't that I had my heart set on being the MM (music manager), it would have been a horribly mind numbing, boring ass job. What I really want is to be a Department Manager. However, I doubt that will ever happen.
So lets see, what happened. Well, more or less my cunt fucking asshole of a manager told me she was interviewing many candidates and I was one of them. She interviewed me on a Wednesday. The next Monday she went on vacation for a week. That next Monday, the new MM started. What the fuck?? At what point does she wants me to believe that she never hired this socially awkward, quiet, and shy woman before my interview? This woman fucking transferred from MICHIGAN!! I am supposed to believe that during her ONE WEEK vacation, "cunt fucking asshole" called "socially awkward" and offered her a job. Then "S.A" moved to Ohio, got settled and started the next Monday. How fucking stupid does "cunt fucking asshole" think I am?
Clearly, this bitch was hired before I was even interviewed. So not only was I lied to, I was humiliated my even being interviewed. The reason I didn't get the job? I am not a leader. What the fuck? The MM now has yet to even introduce herself to me. How is that a leader? Oh, and how am I supposed to lead when I have no one to lead? And what is "leading" exactly? Is is training someone? - I do that. Is is knowing your stuff? - I do that. Is it working as a team? - I do that (and better than our current management team0. It is like don't fucking tell someone that they don't deserve a job because they do not manage a staff if they have no staff to manage!
I know that there are some people who think that I should not look at this whole fiasco so poorly. Some people have said, "I am sure she was just trying to give you a chance." What kind of chance would I have against someone who was an assistant manager? Yeah, that's right. The new MM had to transfer from another store where she was an AM.
I just wish "cunt fucking asshole" would have just not even interviewed me. I stood no chance and she clearly had no intention of hiring me. She has pulled this shit once already. How does that saying go? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times ... I fucking quit and am slashing your tires.
You know the old saying....what doesn't kill you makes you should be freakin' Wonder Woman by now! The people who really know you know that you are not only a good person, but would make a super lead. Don't let the CFA demoralize you.
I hate her, too L and i don't even know her. but, if you hate her ... well, that's good enough for me! My friend's enemy is my enemy, too. does this make us blood brothers or something?
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