... I FUCKING HATE MY JOB!!! I am too tired to go over the details of tonight. Let's just say that I really really want a job where
ALL of the people do ALL of the work and not SOME of the people do ALL of the work.
When did we become a society where hard work is looked down upon? What kind of person feels good about themselves at the end of the day after doing nothing all day at work? I appreciate hard work. I truly believe I could work in a factory where the harder you work and the better you do your job, the more acknowledgment you get. Don't get me wrong. I don't have to look much farther than my own father to see how a factory worker can just be kicked to the curb. I am just saying, who is proud of themselves for getting the most amount of money for the least amount of work. How can a person pass judgment on others when they never get their fingers dirty? I wonder how does it feel to be totally and utterly fucking useless?
Dearest management staff and co-workers,
If some of us rose up and chose to not do your goddamn job for you, or chose to only do that which is required of us, you would all be fucking lost. I am tired. Tired of being treated like shit and getting under appreciated. Tired of doing the work of 2 people. Pull your heads out of your self righteous, self important, holier than thou asses and realize YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT THE REAL WORKERS. YOU ARE USELESS, THOUGHTLESS, ARROGANT AND LOST. AND SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!
That is all for now. Didn't take me long to start complaining about work again, did it?
(PS- I have no clue why the type on this post is so huge, but I can't fix it. It just represents my anger I suppose.)
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