I went to the doctor today for my 6 month blood work check (Thyroid issues, nothing serious). For some reason, they always want to weigh my fat ass. Well, turns out I lost 11 pounds since last time! I believe it too since I can see some difference in my clothes. Of course, I am not doing anything special. I have just been so stressed out lately with the new job that I haven't been eating well/much. Plus, working the night shift, I pretty much only eat one meal a day. Since I haven't had much money or time to go to the grocery store, that means I usually eat some easy mac and crackers. Stress -- sometimes it does a body good.
By the way, anybody free on Thursday? I am ready for one of my tattoos and would love some moral support.
I'll be around on Thursday. You go girl.
Um, maybe it's what I write, but somehow that picture looked dirrrrty! There's not anything you're not telling us is there?
Congrats on the eleven pounds. I HATE being weighed at the doctor's.
At first I thought you were referring to the bunny rabbit picture (I forgot about wonder woman)! In which case, you are indeed very very dirty!! ;)
Oh, and I guess I did fail to mention that I am a fat superhero. I didn't want to brag...
I thought the picture was a bit sexy too - I figured it was just me . . .anyways, congrats on the weight loss, I am struggling with mine now that I'm chained to a desk and the holidays are around the corner . . . .
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