I am cranky. I am nervous. I am depressed. I spent Christmas alone (although I was invited places, I just wasn't in a social mood). I got no Christmas presents. I could not give any Christmas presents. I have only about $400.00 to my name. My rent is $415.00. My apartment is a mess and my folks are coming to visit today. My sink doesn't drain. I ran out of dryer sheets so my clothes will have static cling. My car is in the shop needing a possible $1,000.00 fix. So, I have no car thus no way to get to work Saturday. I will have to borrow money from my parents. I went to bed at Midnight and got up at 6 a.m. to take my car in by 7. Couldn't sleep -- too upset about car. I am waiting anxiously by the phone to hear what could be the worst news ever. Is it worth fixing if it is going to cost THAT much. It is a 1999. Maybe I should just get a new car. Yeah, with what money? The student loan people are hounding me because I owe them about $350.00 that is over 30 days late. When am I ever going to be able to stand on my own two feet financially. My parents aren't rich, they can't keep bailing me out. I don't want to be in debt anymore. I want a credit card that isn't maxed out that I can use during emergencies like this one. I want. I want. I want. I never ever get. Sorry folks, I know others have it worse than me. I am just blowing off some steam.
Deep cleansing breaths...in through the nose...out through the mouth... Better? Yeah, it never works for me either, but my mom swears by it! Just keep your chin up, hon. This too shall pass.
Thank you, I will do my best. I am sure this isn't something a nice stiff drink can't cure.
Ugh, I can relate to this.
I'm thirty-nine and my mom still bails me out on occasion. I, too, wonder if I'm ever going to be financially independent.
I know this. I've had moments where things are okay. And I've the moments you're having.
*Hands Lothian a shot* Drink up darlin'. I hope things get better soon.
Oh believe me, we are having drinkapalooza tonight and I am going to pass out on the couch. I can't wait!
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