The above question was pretty much the worst of it when I told my parents about the new tattoo tonight. I figured I would tell them now instead of ruining Christmas. They were surprisingly alright about it. They were just relieved that I didn't have any piercings. Either they are getting old and tired ... or they have just come to the conclusion that I am a tattooed lady. Either way, I am super happy to know that this isn't going to cause a huge amount of drama. Once they see it though ... I am sure they will flip.
Now, I just have to get used to looking down and seeing it. A few times I get a wave of regret, then someone compliments me on it, and I realize again just how pretty it is. I guess it is like having an extra finger or something. It looks weird now, but eventually I won't even see it.
I am curious if anyone out there who has tattoos on their arms felt the same way at first? With my other tattoos, I can hide them. This one I can't hide and I think that is where the panic comes in.
By the way, you MUST click on this link here to see the most awesomely bad tattoo ever! You have to scroll down to the last picture, but trust me it is worth it. At least I didn't get that!!
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