I decided to steal one of Jen's ideas, tweak it a little, and talk a bit about some of the sites I visit on a regular basis and the people who run them. I have been wanting to post about my new online friendships that I have developed and how they have profoundly affected me. I really appreciate you all and want to thank you for your support and companionship.
The Redneck Romance Writer - Jen, thank you for being such a generous and kind person. You have shown me that not all romance books are trite -- I have 'certain' pages dogeared in my Heart of the Storm book! Your thoughtfulness and compassion has gone beyond anything that I would expect or deserve. I truly hope we can keep in touch for a long, long time.
A Sense of Place - Steve, thank you for showing me that Alaska really is as beautiful as it is in my dreams. Thank you for inspiring me to take more photographs and to see the natural beauty in this world. I thought of you the other day as I was driving down a four lane highway in rush hour. For a quick moment, I happened to glance over to my left and I saw 3 of the most beautiful deer grazing along the side of the road -- I had a wonderful rest of my day knowing that I don't have to escape to Alaska to see beauty (though it would be nice!).
Deadliest Reports - Opilia, thank you for all of your hard work in keeping me up to date on all that is Deadliest Catch. You include some of the most interesting facts and information about Alaska, and you have unintentionally brought many of us together.
Sue's Random Ramblings - Hey girl, we haven't been speaking very long, but I find your site very interesting and fun. You have left some very nice and kind messages on my blog and I really appreciate that. You seem like a lovely person, and I can't wait to get to know you better!
Gigababy's Buffet - Giga (I love calling you that!) thank you for keeping me laughing and crying at the same time. On a serious note, thank you for opening my eyes and making me truly think about the people who are killed everyday in car accidents, and about those who are left behind. I always had a speed problem, but the things that I read on your site were a cold slap in the face to slow down. As a gift to you and all of those who have or have not lost someone to the road, I recently vowed to slow down and become a better, more considerate driver. I may not get to work on time, but at least I get there -- and everyone else does too.
Blah Blah Blog! - I am only including this site because I visit it everyday, however Ron is a "real life" friend as well as an online friend. I have known Ron and Tim for a few years now and they are the best friends I have ever had. I have never felt more loved and taken care of than I do when I am with them. Thank you for your kindness and open hearted nature. Thank you for your support and always being just a phone call away. If I can be half as good of a person and a friend as you guys are, I will be lucky indeed.
There are other sites that I visit everyday but I don't chat with the folks running them. I have come to know the above people and have come to really care for them. If you would have told me a few years ago that I would develop friendships with people from all over the world who I may never meet, I would have thought you were crazy. However, NOW I truly see how wonderful the internet can be.
**...and I promise to post more regularly!**
Well thanks Lothian! I'm glad to see that Deadliest Reports can bring together fans and Alaskans! Now I feel I should create a personal blog for myself!
Oh and I just want to say, your tweaking looks really nice. Love the layout.
Thanks Lothian! I'm glad you're going to post more, we all enjoy your unique perspective. And YES! Pat, you should definitely start a personal blog. I have an idea for another blog but I'm not ready to unveil it yet . . . I'll still keep sense of place
Oooohhhh, and by the way . . . . I may have to pull you off my blogroll on sense of place - my sister reminded me my nieces all read Uncle Steve's blog and well, ahem . . , sometimes you get a bit R-rated. Buuut, I will still be a faithful reader, deal? No hard feelings? Steve
Pat -- I think a personal blog is a wonderful idea, I know I will check up on it.
Steve -- No hard feelings what so ever! I am trying to clean my blog/mouth up, while not compromising who I am. I totally understand that some of what I say is adults only, as long as you keep in touch I am happy. By the way, I never expect anyone to actually blogroll me and I don't read other blogs just for the publicity, so removing me is no big deal. :)
Yay! I made the list! *whew* ;) I love your posts. Seems we have the same intellect *cough*snarkiness*cough* and I can relate :) But, being a follower of Jen, I knew that from day one ;) *mwah*
The feeling is mutual my dear! We love you too!!!!! Smooches from your gay BFs.
Of course you see what a hypocrite I am - I filter you from the blog roll, then post half naked pictures of Trevor - go figure!
Steve, I didn't say a word. Not one word! ;)
Awww. Lothian, if that's what it takes, then it makes all the hate mail worth it.
You are awesome. I'm so happy you found my blog and I found yours.
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