The rules:
Link to the person who tagged you;
Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours;
Post the rules on your blog;
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog;
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post;
Include links to their blogs;
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Here we go:
1) I have always wanted to be singer and actress. However, I am too shy to be an actress and I can't carry a tune in a bucket!! That doesn't stop me from belting out along with Tori Amos. Canines everywhere probably hate me.
2) I went through a period in my senior year of High School (and some of college) where I thought I was bi-sexual. Those thoughts came from childhood trauma mixed with fear of the unknown when it comes to my sexuality and men. I have since changed my mind, but I reserve the right to change it back at any time! ;)
3) Although an animal activist and vegetarian for almost 10 years, I LOVE to go fishing. Fishing was a great bonding time that I spent with my daddy as a child and I simply can't get away from it. For a while, I refused to do it because of my beliefs and I haven't been fishing in years (unless you count fishing on the Cornelia Marie in my dreams) But damn it, it is fun. I feel so ashamed sometimes, and sometimes I just want to throw the catch back and re bait my hook.
4) In related news, I love the water. I can't be without it. Sometimes I think I am a mermaid or siren of some kind. However, I am more of a pool side or lake girl as I have only had one experience with the ocean. It was in Florida and let's just say, she kicked my cocky ass across the beach and shoved sand so far up my ... well, let's just say I was pooping pearls for a week.
5) Keeping with the nautical theme I will confess something else. Something Steve will appreciate I am sure. Yes, I am a vegetarian. However I have tasted crab recently and found that I love it. I only had tiny bites, mind you. And goodness knows I haven't had the pleasure of Alaskan King Crab, but damn that stuff is good. I will do my best to not fall off the wagon, though.
6) I was voted most unique in High School. I think it should have been weirdest kid, but none the less my peers knew I was odd. I took my senior pictures at Walmart and the one I had them publish involved me holding a white candle, wearing all black, with an all black background. Part of me is really embarrassed by the picture now, and part of me is proud that I took the risk and decided to do something different and unconventional.
7) (This was easier than I thought) One year I got so lazy that by the time I took my Christmas decorations down, I had a month before I needed to put them up again!
Well, I don't have 7 people to tag, but here are two. I tag Ron and Donna.
1 comment:
Our Christmas decorations are still up and we have decided to keep some of them up year round - the island isn't much of a "keep up with the Jonses" kinda place, I don't think anyone will care or notice . . . keep on eating that crab, it's the other white meat . . .
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