Well, I downgraded my health condition from "death on two legs" to "simply shitty". I made it to work today, but was miserable all day. If I am not wishing I could puke, then my body temperature is at 1,000 degrees, or my stomach is on fire. Toni Sue was kind enough to share that she too has gone through withdrawal symptoms as well. I guess I am just going to have to suck it up. I have the next two days off and may try to see my doctor if I can, otherwise I will remain miserable until I get better or end up in the hospital. ;)
I used the above picture today, because it is a shot of my sexy new phone I got in the mail from Verizon yesterday. My phone is green, but I am now wishing I chose orange. Oh well, typical me I can never make up my mind. I do love that my wallpaper option is a wine glass full of red wine. So me! It is cool though, and I am loving txt messaging now even more!
I also wanted to update everyone on my mom. If you remember, her doctor had us all in a terror because he said she had an over 75% blockage in her carotid artery and that she was in danger of a stroke. She took my advice (which I got from Ron) and got the CAT scan charge lowered so that she could afford to get it done. I really believe it was through your positive thoughts and prayers that when she got her CAT Scan results back they were much better than predicted. It turns out she only has a 15% blockage on one side, and a 51% blockage on the other. Apparently surgery isn't even an option until things get around 80% or so. Thank you all so very much for your support and well wishes. I am a firm believer in the power of positive thought and the power of prayer, and I really think everyone helped this situation turn out for the better.
So happy to hear that you and your ma are doing better! I love you,girl, and I hope you know you can always callmeor text me or whatever when you need to talk, hang out, or just need one of mybad jokes. I love the phone! Very cool!
Great news on your Mom and a very cool phone - and now I'm staying home from work so you don't have to . . . . keep smilin'
Sending good thoughts your way!!! GREAT phone!
Great news on your mom! I'm so glad. Cool phone too ;)
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