I was listening to the radio the other day and Peter Gabriel's song "Solsbury Hill" came on. I was driving in snow and ice at the time so I was concentrating and I wasn't belting out the tune like I normally do. I started to realize how poignant the lyrics were. I realized that there are many songs out there that I just blindly sing along with and never really pay attention to what the artist is singing.
Since I love music so much, I decided I would make a new ongoing feature to my blog called "Rock and ... What?!" Basically I want to take songs that I really like and find out the actual lyrics to them. Sometimes the lyrics may be really deep and poetic, lyrics that touched me personally, lyrics I realized are actually really stupid, or lyrics that are just really disturbing once you take them out of context and look at what is being said.
My first exhibit is the song "I'm on fire" by The Boss. I love the song, his voice in it, and the beat. However, looking at the lyrics .... well, let's just say I was kind of taken aback at what I had been singing all these years. I don't want to know what he thinks my daddy will or will not do to me that he can do. Ewww!
I don't know how many times I belted out catchy tunes before I realized what they said.
I remember getting rolled eyes from my best friend when I called "Somebody" by Depeche Mode a love song. She told me it was depressing.
*shrugs* Not to me.
I'm never really pay attention to the lyrics and am always surprised when I see what the words to my favorite songs are . . . good post!
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