I woke up to find this:

The snow fairies were hard at work last night I see! Actually, I am pretty sure it was Casey and Nate - two guys who struck up a conversation with me yesterday while I was snapping pictures and checking out the damage.
What kindness!! They didn't tell me they were going to do this, and I never even hinted that I secretly had no fucking clue how I was going to clean all that snow off my car without a shovel. Since I don't know where they live, I am going to have to put up a poster thank you in the lobby so they know their good deed did not go unrecognized.
I feel like "the pretty girl". You know the one, the bitch that men bend over backwards to help out just because they are attractive. The girl that never has to open doors for herself, change her own tire, or clean the snow off her car.
They were cute too. I wonder what I could do to pay them back? Something warm and fuzzy for their cold prickly's perhaps? OH, THAT WAS FILTHY!!
You are the pretty one. No doubt about it. It's just fairies are smarter than men and they KNOW whose snow to clear.
Just sayin'.
Thank you, I love that. I am totally making that my goal now. Trying to find fairies to date instead.
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