What happened is that I came down with Pneumonia. The urgent care doctor said it was either bronchitis or pneumonia. However, since I didn't respond very quickly to the antibiotics, I am pretty sure it was the latter. I was home sick for an entire week. I went to work on a Saturday, had Sunday off, went to urgent care on Monday and then didn't leave the apartment until Saturday again. I missed 3 days of work. I was so upset that I was going to get fired. Even though I had a doctor's excuse for missing work, I was still worried that since I had missed so many days already I would be fired.
I swear, all that worry and they still haven't said anything to me! My supervisor is a big queen, so I was hoping to work my hag magic on him. However he has yet to bring it up, and I don't go looking for trouble. (Even though it always finds me.)
I ended up having to work on my 30th birthday. I wasn't happy to be turning 30 anyway, and I was really upset because I had been planning on visiting my family until death decided to knock on my damn door. I have since then declared this my 3rd worst birthday ever.
What are the other two?
1) A few years ago I had to have my appendix removed. Luckily it was an urgent situation, but not an emergency situation. I was able to schedule the procedure. The next available (and only available) appointment time was February 23rd. My birthday. Needless to say I had this conversation a lot:
Q - "What is your date of birth, Ms. Lothian?"
A - "February 23rd 1978."
Q- "No not today's date, your date of birth."
A- "Yeah, that IS my date of birth."
Q- "You mean today is your birthday?"
A- "Yep."
Q- "You are having surgery on your BIRTHDAY? Why?"
A- "I thought it would be fun. Why the fuck do you think I am having it today?"
2) I celebrated my birthday in the hospital with my father after he had a massive heart attack and needed surgery. This would have been #1, except by the time my birthday came around his surgery had come and gone and he was expected to make a full recovery. (Which he did) I had spent every waking hour prior and during his surgery worrying about the fact that life would be impossible without him. It broke my heart to see him in so much pain. However, by the time the 23rd rolled around he was feeling much better. A nurse of his who had a beautiful singing voice sang "Happy Birthday" to me. However, his recovery was the best gift I could have gotten that year.
3) Of course, dying from pneumonia made the big 3-0 blow.
All that being said, I can't deny the fact that I did spend some time with Ron, Tim, Laura and Renee on Sunday after my birthday and had a lovely time. Tim made a delicious dinner and the most decadent birthday cake ever. He went out of his way to make me some vegetarian options (like he always does) and toiled in the kitchen for hours. It brought me to tears on the ride home thinking about how much love was in that room that night, and how worried everyone was about my health. Although I loved my gay man pot holder I got from Renee, I loved the love I received even more. The best gift I got was time to spend with my second family.
Glad you're feeling better Girlie!
Thanks you two. I think everyone has been sick in some form this winter. Must have been a bad virus year.
Awww, man.
Girlie, I been there. I know what it's like. Big hugs.
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