Yes folks, it has finally happened. Lothian has finally been cursed out on the phone. I have heard tale of a strange phenomenon where unhappy people phone call centers and curse out the poor working Joe or Josephine answering the call. I have been told that I have a sweet voice and have been able to deescalate a few angry people on my phone calls. However I have never been cursed at. I have only had one person say "this is bullshit", but never directed a me. Well, now I can officially join the ranks.
I started my new schedule at work Monday and was pretty happy about it. Instead of working four 1o hour days, I went to 8 hour days. Instead of working mornings, I am working 3:30-midnight which is more my pace anyway. My first phone call was some old man yelling about his eye drops and he was not very pleasant at all. In fact he told me, "well, there is no reason for me to say thank you since you didn't do anything." Well, sorry sir. I can't move mountains and I certainly can't fill your eye drops and drive them to your house, so deal with it. I just had to shake my head at him since he was 84 and probably going to die soon anyway.
Okay, okay!! I know that is not very nice to say, but sometimes when people are mean ... your brain goes there.
Anyway, the rest of the night was cranky Monday people. Pretty typical until I got Mr sunshine on the line. He demanded that I connect him with the Texas call center. Maybe he doesn't like Ohioans? Anyway, when calls come in they go to the next available representative. This way the member doesn't have to wait forever for assistance. That rep could be in Ohio, Nevada, Tampa or Texas. I have no way of transferring him to a specific center. I simply can't.
After going back and fourth with him telling me this was something I could do, and me telling him "no really, I can't." He yelled "Fuck You! get me to the Texas call center I am tired of this bullshit!" Now, it took all of my super human powers to not tell him where he can shove the Texas call center. As many of you know, I can curse with the best of them. Believe me, if I could have passed his sorry ass off to someone else I would have immediately.
Well ... pass him off is exactly what I did. We are not allowed to offer supervisors, the asshole has to ask for them. However, I am NOT GOING TO BE TREATED LIKE DIRT. I transferred him off and the poor supervisor got an ear full too. Bless her heart, she is a bigger woman than I am because I could never tolerate someone telling me "do as your told, get me to the Texas call center!"
Do as I am told? Aw Hells NO!!