You guys rock. You definitely deserve to be a part of Columbus' bravest. Now, don't get me wrong. I am sure the entire City of Columbus and it's police department worked their asses off during our city wide power outage. The one that still has many people without power. However, the City of Dublin sent their officers to do something they probably didn't really want to be doing, but was much needed. That's right, direct traffic.
I know it sounds like a small thing, but people really reveal their stupid gene when traffic lights go out. I saw many near misses and blaring car horns on Morse road on my way to work. So many so, that I was a little worried about finishing my drive. I was very relieved once I got to Dublin and saw those flashing lights and our guardians in blue. I don't know what the rest of the city was doing, but at least Dublin knew what was desperately needed. A small gesture that went miles.
Thanks a million, you really are America's finest.
Cool. Good for Dublin PD. I used to live in Kettering in the 70s. Where is Dublin in relationship?
I like the shamrock in their logo. That's the part I liked.
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