I have been blessed to have never had a close friend of mine pass away. I know it will happen one day, but I have been lucky so far. However, I have lost quite a few fuzzy friends this year and the pain is the same. Most recently is my friend Weber who passed away from liver cancer. His parents are my dear friends Tim and Ron. He was a sweet old man. I always loved to watch him while visiting. He would get up periodically throughout the night and "make the rounds" -- getting head scratches and loving from everyone in the room; one person at a time. I remember having to encourage him to eat while babysitting. I stood in the kitchen gushing "good boy" every time he put his head down to eat. If I stopped, he would look up at me and and ask why I wasn't calling him a good boy anymore. He was so proud of himself for being a good boy. I will miss him dreadfully and I wish I could take some of the pain away that my friends are feeling. But I can't. All I can do is encourage them that they made the right decision and that Weber will always be in our hearts.

My sister has had to bury 2 dogs this year. The first was my friend Max (not pictured) who I didn't have the pleasure of knowing for very long. He struggled bravely for a long time with cancer and was eventually put out of pain by his doctor. A few months ago, my oldest friend Samson passed away too. He is the yellow lab above. He developed
bloat that took him very abruptly and cruelly. I remember getting ready to leave my home town many years ago. Sam and his sister Jayme were staying with my parents. I was not looking forward to returning to Columbus and sat there with Sam, crying and telling him all about my fears. He was very supportive and listening intently. I knew in my heart he
was truly listening. He was a goofball and a super sweetheart and I miss him too very, very much.
The world is less without them, but the stars shine brighter.
Thanks my love for that wonderful and loving tribute. I hope your sister is ok dealing with her losses as well. I miss him so much I can't stand it. I love you Weber!!!
I'm so sorry . . . Chico is getting to be an old man too and I can't even contemplate island life without him . . .
I wish they could live forever.
Wonderful post. Sad, but sweet.
Aww, hon, I'm sorry. I'm crying for you as I type this. I had to say goodbye to the sweetest kitty ever to grace the earth in August. I know your pain. I still cry for my Piggy. :(
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