I have a bad habit when I drive. No, I don't chat on the phone or text message. I look too much in my rearview mirror. I don't know why, but I seem to spend more time worried about what is going on behind me than what is going on before me. I worry if someone is tailgating me, if I have my music on too loud and can't hear the cop behind me, or if something exciting is going on that I am missing.
No matter how hard I try to break myself of this habit, I can't seem to shake it. I realized the other day, that my rearview mirror is an odd analogy for my life. I spend too much time thinking about what happened in my past, that I forget where I am going. I drive on automatic pilot, which is how I live my life -- just exsisting, not really driving. Why should I worry if someone it tailgating me? They can go around. Yet, the little girl inside me is hearing some bully yelling "hey, speed up fatty! You are so slow, you are taking up the whole highway!"
I have made a concious decision to try and not spend so much time looking in my rearview and only doing so in a normal and safe driving context. However, I am having the hardest time breaking myself of this. I try to live my life and not let the pains of the past hinder me, yet I am still stuck with those voices in my head. I just find it interesting how something as mundane as driving can really reflect much larger things. I am trying to take this analogy to heart and learn from it ... but I see things so much clearer once they are in my rearview mirror.
Great post and a great analogy. Self-awareness is the first step towards change, but it's always the best to embark on a journey happy with where you are at, yet excited about where you are going . . . cheers!
If it's any comfort, from a defensive driving perspective, drivers should check their rearview mirror every 15 seconds and more frequently when stopping or slowing down. So, I can't say you're doing anything wrong.
As for the parallel to live. We all need to ackowledge the past to understand the circumstances of our present, right?
Steve - I am excited. I just wish someone would give me the directions as to where the heck I am going.
Gigs - I agree, I must acknowledge my past. I must let it go. It is very hard though.
(PS - glad to hear that I am continuing on my pledge to you to be a better and more courteous driver)
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