I will say that I have found something to do at my job that I actually enjoy! When we have new folks hired at my employer, they have 6 weeks of training. I got to be a classroom assistant for the last class we had before the new year! This means that I got to assist them while they take their calls, teach them how to do certain aspects of the job, and basically be a mentor to new folks who may be intimidated with what they are getting themselves into. I also got the opportunity to walk the call floor and answer questions when people raise their hand (or a flag. Yep, we have flags) for assistance during a call.
Not only do I really love what I am doing, but I think I am good at it too! I had always flirted with the idea of being a teacher and now I think that teaching may be the key to my career dilemma that I have been looking for all along. I plan on looking for teaching opportunities not only with my current employer but outside of it as well. Maybe go back to school. I may even look into teaching abroad options.
I means the world to me when someone says to me "I really like when you help me because you are so calm and patient." My only concern has been that I don't ever feel like I am a leader, that I am always a follower. I didn't ever feel like I conveyed the leader image to others either. However, this Saturday I was on my own with the classroom and not only did I do fine when things got a little overwhelming, but I dealt with someone who had an emotional breakdown, disciplined someone who was having a temper tantrum* and even found the time to smooth things over with someone whom I had a rocky start with. All in all, it was an exhausting success.
I currently have the opportunity to work with folks who have gone into something my employer calls "The Academy." This is where people are pulled off the call floor and into a classroom setting and environment. These are people who are having trouble keeping their calls under the 5 minute average, having challenges keeping their documentation of their calls under 2 seconds, and basic knowledge of the job. With The Academy, I not only have the chance to work as an assistant, but I get to be even more interactive. I will be able to sit with people and monitor their calls and coach them afterwords on ways to be more effective.
I feel like I have the calm demeanor to do the job along with a sense of humor about the whole thing. I have a way of befriending people and not talking down to them. I thank my father for the ability to not get impatient with people learning -- he has always been a great teacher. I hear his voice every time I tell someone to not worry if they have the caller on hold for 2-3 minutes while I teach them how to do something. The customer will either wait or hang up and call back. No big deal. Everyone has to learn something new sometime, everyone was new at their job at one time.
I don't quite know how or why I come across as a soft spoken and relaxed person (I think this would shock most people who know me). However, I do and I think that is definitely what most people need when learning and I take it as a blessing. Don't get me wrong, there are days where I am about to snap, but I keep my cool. I am willing to take the advice of my superiors and am taking this chance to really go somewhere with the company and improve myself. I worry about the leader/authoritative side of myself that teachers need, However I need to remember Saturday. I was also able to be authoritative with the person who was having a tantrum* without being nasty or making it personal. I even had someone comment that because of the fact I raised my voice, she knew I meant business with this person. Maybe being a leader doesn't always mean being the big guy up front, with arms crossed, a scowl on my face, while shouting orders. Lothian is learning.
I am still dealing with many health issues, personal issues, major money issues, etc but I am pretty darn happy with what I am doing at work right now. I don't dread going in anymore, and I may have found my calling in life. We will see. I am sorry if this post was a little frazzled and not as focused as they usually are. My brain has not had to work this hard for awhile and my thoughts are like the snowflakes blowing around outside. Hopefully I will post more as things calm down, but I can't promise anything. Thanks for hanging in there with me!
*As an afterthought I wanted to add that these are still my co-workers. Some of them are my age, slightly younger or slightly older. My use of the word "tantrum" was to not imply that I was teaching children, but rather to illustrate how childish this particular co-worker's complaint was and how she handled herself. Teaching children who act like children may be a hell of a lot easier that teaching adults who act like children.**
So I'm reading along and then I scrolled back up to the photo ...
very hidden subliminal message you have there my friend!
I am a sexy teacher!
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