What I officially ended up being diagnosed with, is something called Pleurisy. You can click the link for more information. I would not wish this shit on my worst enemy, man. And I have a few enemies!! It was horrible, and kicked my ass for a good 4 days. I am still beat down, but not out.
I ended up calling my doctor Monday morning (I was in the ER Sunday at about 1am) because every time you visit the ER they recommend you follow up with your own doctor within a certain amount of days. So I called and they were going to have me see her on FRIDAY!! Well, I had woken up at around 6am that morning and could barely breathe. But I was not in the mood to argue, you know?
Later that day I had a really bad episode where I got super nauseous and had a sudden fever -- sweating like crazy. I was in more pain than when I went to the ER. I just wanted to die. I called back in tears and they fit me in at around 3:15. It took me a good 45 minutes to get out of the apartment and drive the 5 minutes to get there and get inside, because I could only walk in like super-slowmotion.
Anyway, long story short she gave me Prednisone for the infection and Codine for the pain. I can actually breathe now!! I am still a little sore, but I could finally get some sleep all drugged up. I am so glad I didn't wait until Friday to see her, I was in so much damn pain. It was worse than when I had surgery!
I should be back to work on Thursday. I never thought I would say it, but I will be glad to be back. To all my co-workers who read this, I am truly sorry about all the call-offs. I know how much it fucks things up for everyone. Maybe I could have come in and just worked cashwrap, but even talking for a few minutes irritated my lungs, and until Monday I wasn't sure if I was contagious (which I wasn't). Despite the facade, I really don't want to see people hurting either. Plus, it hurt so much to move and drive I was worried about traveling. I am sure you understand that I just could not do it, but I still feel awful.
It is kind of hard to describe, but the one thing I got out of this whole situation is how I can be aggressive when I want to. I could have ignored the pain, but didn't and went to the ER. I could have let them shrug me off as being to young to have anything wrong with me, but I didn't (and to be honest they did not treat me that way at all). I could have kept my doctor appointment for Friday and let myself suffer all that time, but I didn't. All and all I was proud of myself for taking care of myself. I don't usually take care of myself very well. I am not proud that I didn't ask for any help from anyone, but what the fuck do you people want? I can only fix one hang-up at a time, okay?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the e-mail's and cards! It is so nice to know how much people care about me!
1 comment:
I am sooooooo glad you are OK. Sounds like waht you have been going through is pure hell. See I'm not trying to kill you.... I love my Lothian. I hope you are doing OK. If that ever happens again CALL ME, I only live 5 minutes from your place.
I have been sick as well, but not quite as serious as you. Just a fluish-cold sorta thing. Enough to knock my ass out for a few days. But seriously, feel better. I need my dear Lothian... I need someone to be my arch enemy.
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