Yeah. Soooo.... I am sitting here at 6:10am waiting to call work so that I can tell them I can not come in today.
Why? I guess Prince's sexiness was too much for me. Let me start from the beginning.
I was spending time with some good friends last night (Saturday night) watching Purple Rain. Towards the end of the night my chest was bothering me. It hurt to breathe in and cough.
I didn't want to mention it, and I have had chest pains in the past that I foolishly ignored. So I just ignored the pain and had fun. I got home at around 12am. By 1am I had enough of the pain. It got worse and when I tried to lay down, I was in serious pain and had shortness of breath.
Off I go to the Emergency Room. Yes, I can hear you all right now. Why didn't I call someone? I don't know. I didn't want to be a bother I guess. Anyway, I tried to convince myself it was nothing and drove myself (got verbally spanked by the doctor for it too). I couldn't take the pain and since I had chest pains before, I figured that enough was enough.
They ran an EKG on me, did some bloodwork, put me on a heart monitor and pulse-checker-thingie. They also did a CAT scan of my chest. The doctor didn't feel that it was my heart that was the problem since it hurts to breathe. He was thinking more along the lines of a bloodclot in my lungs somewhere. Nice...as if I didn't have enough to worry about.
5 hours later the doctor tells me that (thank goodness) the CAT scan looked alright. My lungs and heart are still there and doing well. He was concerned about my heart beat. Just from looking at the monitor it ran from 100-150+ (and I am assuming that is per minute). The term he used was "racing". He didn't seemed too concerned -- probably thought I was just anxious. Which I guess I was. However, I was also really damn tired. Like, so tired that I really didn't care if I died at that point, because at least then I could get some sleep. So tired, that I got lost coming home. I live a good 5 minutes from the hospital.
He diagnosed me with "Pluerisy" which is a viral illness that irritates the lining around the lungs. It can cause chest pain when breathing in or cough, and the symptoms come on suddenly. It is more or less a blanket diagnonsense. "Since you don't seem to be dying, you must have an infection"-type of problem. I have to take anti-inflammatories (ie: really strong aspirin) and make an appointment with the family doctor.
Apparently Ron really is trying to kill me, and not just fantasizing about it...
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