What really pisses me off is the slack she has been getting about her body. Look at that above picture bitches, she looks awesome! Sure she isn't all ab-licious like she used to be, but her body is fine. I am sorry but this is what real women look like. I am no lesbian, but I prefer my ho's with a little meat on their bones. She looks healthy (well, as long as you don't look in her eyes) and she looks ....NORMAL.
I was seriously pissed off that they same magazines and TV shows that do reports on how scary thin Nicole Richie or the Olsen twins are talking about how fat Britney looks. They are creating an unattainable body ideal for young women everywhere. Should they look healthy like Brit and be called fat, or be anorexic like Richie and be called too thin? Do we want our young women to parade around with confidence in an un-perfect body, or waste away and fade away into a size 00? (check out that link by the way, if you want to be sickened.)
We need to stop attacking young people and celebrities about their bodies. Do I think Kate Moss is too skinny? Maybe. But I also think she is naturally a thin woman. Do I think Britney needs to lose a few pounds? I bet even doctors would agree that she is at a healthy weight for her frame. I just wanted to go on record as saying that I think Britney looks good and people should be ashamed of themselves for beating her up so much and calling her fat. So what if she was fat? Fat is fab it isn't a four letter word! You go Britters!!
Why can't women be allowed to be the shape that they naturally are without designers and tabloids attempting to erase them one pound at at time?!
Hey Girl! First of all, I absolutely adore you and I think you are such a beautiful girl! I love being friends with you and never want to lose that. You know we have to stay loyal to the pimp mac daddies we know as Ron and Tim. They get violent if we try to leave;). Ok so I think you should go with the Lord of the Rings tat. I love it and it would look really good on the wrist. Maybe get the letters HH inside it somehow? Let me know what you decide.
I agree with you. For a 25-year-old mother of two, she looks frickin' awesome. No, her body wasn't sparkley-bra & panties worthy (which, let's be honest, were at least a size too small), and she could have wowwed the crowd in something that had a little more coverage over the "problem" areas, and still have been sexy. And she really should have shaved her pits. But in no way was she fat! The crufication of her body was completely uncalled for.
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