Saturday, March 08, 2008

Picture extravamaganza! Columbus Ohio has a blizzard.

Never mind the dates on the pictures, they are all wrong. Poor Mr. Four wheel drive attempted to leave the parking lot today. He failed.

Picture taken looking outside my window. For once it was not good being on the bottom floor! I even have the screen up in this picture -- the snow ain't moving.

The "Sanford and Son" truck I hate so much. He couldn't help poor Scarlet from any drifting snow, that's for sure!

More pictures of poor Scarlet being covered in snow, and the view out my window.

Last night I cleaned about a foot of snow off my car. Apparently it snowed a little bit during the night. I had to leave that little snow Mohawk on the her roof because I couldn't reach the top. Now she has a Poor little cone head

When folk use the term "blanket of snow" I think this is what they mean.

Reaching out my window and touching the snow. Normally, I can't get anywhere near the ground, even with my ape arms.

The front of my complex. As you can see, the snow is about the height of the bushes there. Pretty, but a mess.

The ass-end of everyone's car here at the complex. This is the side that faces the building. You can't even tell they are actually cars underneath there!

As you can see, Columbus had a bit of snow. I think we ranged anywhere from 10-14 inches. I put the call out to some of my friends to post their pictures, so I will be posting some of those tomorrow. It has been a while since we had this much snow, and I have never been in a situation where the snow went all the way up to my knees!!

It is very beautiful, but I was required to work today and was terrified about driving in this weather. I ended up calling in -- it wasn't worth dying in an accident. Most places in Central Ohio were under either a level 2 or 3 snow emergency. In a level 3, you will be ticketed if you attempt to drive. I think what solidified my decision to not go out was watching the news and seeing NO ONE on the roads and hearing that most accidents were semi's crashing. If the professionals can't drive in it, Ms. Two Door Dodge Neon can't either. Plus, the snow come up to the top of my tires, so even if I wanted to, she wasn't going to budge.

1 comment:

Cindy Smith, Editor, Education for the Driving Masses said...

Holy crap. That's Ohio? Dude, we do centimetres up so we got 30 over the weekend which is 12 inches (I think or 15) Why do you Americans have to be so different with your imperial measurement crap!