I found this photo on a celebrity gossip website that I frequent. The author of the blog challenged his readers to caption this photo with something funny (and inevitably cruel). I want to combat that ugliness.
I challenge you to look at this picture. Don't be shy. Really think about it.
Why would it be amusing/joke worthy to see two beautiful, black, plus sized women celebrating their full bodies?
why does the image of two naked women who do not have "average sized" bodies make us cringe?
Do you look at them and pray you never have bodies as fat as theirs?
or do your eyes well up with tears at the thought that you may never be so secure in your own skin to ever pose like they did?
Is your first reaction to be ashamed for them? Disgusted?
Should women (and men) with bodies like these keep them hidden from view?
What is so obscene about fat?
When I look at this photo I see many things. I see 2 women who have cast off the shelter of clothing to reveal that fat is nothing to be afraid of. I see large breasts swaying with the movement of the life in their bodies. I see soft full bellies. I see dark, honey colored skin covering the same insides we all share. I see dark, honey colored skin that is probably thicker than most people's from years of struggle. I see strong thick thighs that can walk a mile. I see heads held high, placed on confident shoulders that can hold the weight of the world. I see arms that are supple and cast outward in an expression of total joy. I see smiles, not apprehension. I see strength. I see confidence. I see love for oneself.
I see 2 beautiful, FAT and fabulous women.
"'Good and 'better' in respect to beauty are not easy to discern, for it would be quite possible to make two different figures, neither conforming with the other, one stouter, the other thinner, and yet we might scarce be able to judge which of the two excelled in beauty."
~~Albrecht Durer from Four Books Of Human Proportions, 1528
You know, I just don't evaluate beauty on weight. Truly. A beautiful person has a spirit that radiates, makes their eyes sparkle and brings about a warm smile and authentic kindness. And as my mother always reminded me, only a dog loves a bone! ;-)
I love that, 'only a dog loves a bone'! I am going to have to remember that.
When I look at a man I also don't see weight. In fact, I tend to be more attracted to larger or more stout guys than lanky or body builder types. He has to have honest eyes and nice hands and be a good person. Other than that, I am not picky.
It's interesting that you mention looking at men and weight because I do notice weight where men are concerned. Sadly, my superficiality where men are concerned... I am so not attracted to scrawny guys or short guys. I know... it is entirely superficial. I am big on masculinity!
But truly, in no way would I deem smaller guys as absolutely unattractive or unworthy in general terms. It is just a preference for me and again, I fully appreciate the superficiality in that. But there is nothing more attractive and beautiful than authenticity, sincerity, and goodness. And I don't assume because I'm not physically attracted to someone that there are not a beautiful person.
Oh, and if you like "only a dog loves a bone," you'll love my best friend's take on it: "no one wants to bang a hanger." :)
Lothian, those gals look about perfect to me - good for you for sharing your thoughts loud and proud . . . . cheers, steve
amen sister
I think they're beautiful!! They just look AWESOME.
Thanks for visiting Julie!
Well neither their weight, nor their skin color bothers me at all, more power to them (I'm jealous that they don't seem to have stretch marks - either that or good airbrushing?) but I do think it's odd that they don't have a spec of pubic hair! LOL The totally bald look always kinda makes me cringe as if they are trying to look like little girls! So while I'm not for all natural jungles of hair I am for a neatly trimmed little patch at least! LOL
But yep definitely some good self image there and good for them!
Thanks for stopping by my blog btw! :)
Tricia, I was bored and decided to check out your blog from Jen's and I loved it! I will totally be back. As for the stretch marks -- yeah, I have a few to spare if they need them. Grooming -- I tend to mow the lawn pretty closely if you get my drift. But not for men, for myself. It seems more hygienic and more 'pleasurable'
Neither one of them looks fat to me. Curvy, yes. Fat, no.
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