After a long day of dealing with pissed off old people, all I wanted to do was come home and watch a little eye candy on my favorite show Deadliest Catch. I don't know what the hell you folks are doing, but the absence of the Cornelia Marie did not go unnoticed!
Just so you know, I can't get into this new boat The Early Dawn. Plus, it is no substitute for our favorite boats we fans have come to know and love. I understand that you think it is good television to have the boat owner's incompetent son on board, but it just isn't cutting it.
However, making D.C. just the "Time Bandit-Wizard-Cornelia Marie-show" would be better. ;)
I understand that the other new boat, The North American, is a friend to show consultant The Northwestern. However, there isn't enough room for a new vessel and I would be very pissed to see any of the fan favorites get pushed aside to make room for a new boat. You only have one, maybe 2 more seasons left of Deadliest Catch before people lose interest. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "Don't fix what ain't broke"? I appreciate you wanting to show more boats, new stories and interesting people. But just don't, okay?
So, basically what I am saying is change is bad. Keep the boats we love and stop wasting time with the new ones. OH, and I swear to God if you cut the Cornelia Marie off the show again I am going to lose my shit!
Also, I would appreciate it if you could find some footage of Crosby Leveen from The Wizard pulling pots in nothing but a smile. Oh! and a few shots of The Cornelia Marie's Dave Millman shirtless would be nice too.
No, the absence of the Cornelia Marie did not go unnoticed here either! I also appreciate that they are trying to shake things up with the show a bit by introducing these new boats but please, just don't. Your idea of the Time Bandit-Wizard-Cornelia Marie exclusive show is a good one. Can we please, please, please include the Northwestern in that exclusive clause though? I love Sig and Edgar!
I was so thinking of you today when I met the Hillstrand brothers! I went to see them at a book signing event for their new book. Oh, I wanted to jump on Johnathan's Harley with him and ride off into the crabbing sunset together! Truly, I wish I could be that girl sometimes, that just slips her phone number into his back pocket. And then, I feel certain that it is nice not to be that girl, you know? But then again... :) I just love how masculine and authentic these guys are!!
As jealous as I am that you got to meet the Hillstrand's, I suppose I will allow The Northwestern in that clause as well. ;)
I know exactly what you mean about meeting and falling for one of those guys. Yet, I know I can't be that woman who only sees her man a few months out of the year and has to fear that they are going to get 'the call' telling them something terrible has happened.
But then again ... the show is a little like soft porn isn't it? Attractive, brave men cursing and getting dirty and sweaty doing something really dangerous (and fun) all the while with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. Nice!
Although I might one day retract this statement, I actually think I could be with someone who was gone for months out of the year. I would miss him like hell but I really do think I could do it given my personality. I know, I'm a strange bird! :)
Haha... yes, the show could be deemed soft porn. It works for me, that's for sure!!! The most appealing aspect to me is that this is who they really are and I love a certain degree of grittiness! I'm tired of being around corporate schleps and their fake, yuppie, schmoozy act. Ugh.... no thank you!
By the way, we'll have to chat about LOST one of these days as I see you are also a fan of that show! You have excellent taste!! :)
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