I know I haven't been around much lately. It is just that the vampire hours I am working are starting to get to me. Plus, my brain has been very scattered lately and I haven't been able to really focus enough to blog.
Anyway, I answered one of those MySpace surveys the other day. I don't usually fill them out because how many times do I have to tell you what my favorite color is, or what I am listening to at the moment? However, this one was interesting so I did it. A long time friend responded to my survey and was surprised at one of my answers. She "never knew" this particular thing about me (#1 on my list). It got me thinking about what things I would like to accomplish in my life, however small or large. I thought I would share my preliminary list (not in any order of importance) with you all so that maybe you too will learn a thing or two about me.
1) Have a child. Hopefully before my parents pass away so they can feel the joy of grand parenting.
2) Make love to a man and have no fear of him. Make love to man and not be embarrassed by my body. (and no, I don't think #1 and #2 necessarily go hand in hand)
3) Live in a remote cabin in Alaska for at least a month. Never apologize (or be surprised) if I decide to stay there forever.
4) Go on a nice fishing trip with my father. My favorite memories with him are of our time spent fishing together.
5) Visit India during the Holi Festival.
**According to
www.holifestival.org "The colorful festival of Holi is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima which comes in February end or early March. Holi festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad'. The colorful festival bridges the social gap and renew sweet relationships. On this day, people hug and wish each other 'Happy Holi'."
6) Ride a Harley (or any motorcycle for that matter). Learn how to drive my own Harley.
7) Get all of the tattoo's that I am wanting, without any fear of what people may think of me.
8) Write a book. Maybe or maybe not try and get published.
9) Go to Pastry school. I love to bake, and to be able to do this as a career would be a dream.
10) Own (at least) 2 pug dogs. I shall name them Merry and Pippin.
11) Do something remarkable for my parents as they have been so remarkable to me. I have yet to find out what this will someday be.
12) Move back home and buy my own house near a lake.
13) Learn to scuba dive and travel all over exploring the sea.
14) Visit Tibet and walk among the holiest of people.
15) Take singing lessons and sing loudly and proudly (and not drunkenly) in front of a crowd.
16) Never lose touch with Brad.
17) Find a job that I love and will not hate go to. (I DO think this and #9 go hand in hand)
18) Get liposuction or workout to remove my massive arms and my spare tire belly.
19) Learn how and go rock climbing and hiking.
20) Taking acting lessons and actually go for it, just once.
That is all I can think of right now. I will definitely keep adding more as they come to me. I will also keep you posted if I ever manage to accomplish any of these things. Of course, if you can help me with any, feel free to speak up! (wink*wink)