Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm a little cranky today.

Let's recount my past day or so, shall we. Maybe it will reveal why I am a little cranky today.

Saturday 3:00 am - go to bed after a long day at work
Sunday 3:00 pm - Wake up (yes, I know I overslept quite a bit)
Sunday 3:30 pm - Power goes out, oops it's back on.
Sunday 3:45 pm - Power goes out, oops it's back on.
Sunday 4:00 pm - Power goes out, oops it's back on.
Sunday 4:05 pm - Power goes out, big bang. It stays out. In the dark.
Sunday 5:00 pm - In the dark still.
Sunday 6:00 pm - In the dark still.
Sunday 7:00 pm - What's that? In the dark still.
Sunday 8:00 pm- Still dark. There isn't a whole hell of a lot you can do in the dark.
Sunday 9:00 pm - Jill and Ron have power now, hoping...
Sunday 10:00 pm - Fuck the dark.
Sunday 11:00 pm - Still hoping to have some sort of nice day off. Still sitting in the dark.
Sunday 12:00 pm/am - Pretty sure my food in the fridge is spoiled. Can't see for sure, still dark.
Monday 1:00 am - Still in the dark. Have admitted defeat. Going to bed to try and sleep.
Monday 2:00 am - Roll over in pool of sweat, listening to every fart my upstairs neighbor blows.
Monday 3:00 am - Whoo Hoo!! Power! It scared the shit out of me coming on. I stumble around the apartment half asleep turning of fans, lamps, and my blaring TV. Run into the doorknob on my closet, can feel the bruise coming on.
Monday 3:10 am - Sit down to pee. Lights go out.
Monday 3:15 am - Too tired to cry, lay back down on my bed in the sweat shack.
Monday 4:00 am - Strange dreams.
Monday 4:30 am - Mini Heart attack when power comes on again. Get up, turn bathroom light off.
Monday 5:00 am - Strange dreams about work.
Monday 6:00 am - Continued LSD-type dreams.
Monday 7:00 am - Dreaming.
Monday 7:30 am - Cell phone goes off, Ron texting me if I have power. Will reply text later.
Monday 8:00 am - Fall back asleep.
Monday 8:15 am - Cell phone goes off. Damn it!! Jill texting me if I have power yet. Will reply text later. I love my friends, I really do.
Monday 8:30 am - Fall back asleep.
Monday 9:00 am - Weird ass dreams.
Monday 9:30 am - Asshole begins mowing the lawn at my complex. You just don't know how loud a lawn mower is until you live on the ground floor and one goes by right by your head. Pretty fucking loud. Glad he feel's it's important to mow dead grass.
Monday 10:00 am - He is done, now I can go back to sleep.
Monday 10:30 am - Finally asleep
Monday 11:00 am - Mom calls like she said she would to make sure I am up in case my power never came on.

Fine. I am up now. *sigh* Today should be a good day.


Alaska Steve said...

Whoa . . . sorry you had a tough day off but on a good note your post is funnier than heck! heheh

Lothian said...

Thanks Steve! I am actually one of the lucky ones apparently. There are folks STILL without power and won't get it until Sunday at the earliest. But, you know, it is still nice to feel sorry for myself every once in a while.

Momo said...

This made me LOL.
I came here from giga's blogs.
Nice blog!